Total Row Nutrition: Eating Properly While Exercising and Pregnant

We already told you about all the amazing benefits of rowing through your pregnancy. While exercise and activity during pregnancy are extremely important, a healthy diet during pregnancy is INSANELY important, but not just for the reason you might think.

Nutrition Contribution from Megan Kober at The Nutrition Addiction

Eating for Two
Yes, it’s very important that your baby gets the proper nutrition it needs, but more than likely, it always will. Your body prioritizes your baby, so it’ll do everything it can to ensure it’s getting all the nutrients it needs.

Not getting enough calcium or vitamin D? Your body will start pulling it from your bones to make sure your baby is getting enough. That’s great for your baby, but that’s not so great for you!

This is a time to pay extra attention to what you’re putting into your body every day.

Aside from taking prenatal vitamins, here’s a list of nutrients + nutrient-rich foods you should be incorporating into your diet daily.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3’s are essential for baby’s nervous system and brain development. They also provide key elements that support nerve transmission, immune responses, blood sugar regulation, and kidney health.

Omega-3 Rich Foods: Salmon, grass-fed beef, walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, tuna, and egg yolks

We also highly recommend a good quality Cod Liver Oil supplement, because MOST people do not get enough omega-3s in their diet, especially during pregnancy.

Folate is essential for brain development and preventing birth defects.

Folate-rich foods: Veggies! Especially asparagus, broccoli, and spinach.

Your prenatal vitamins DO CONTAIN folate.

Helps with the baby’s DNA products, as well as the development of vital organs and it’s also a major immune system supporter – something you NEED especially when you’re pregnant!

Zinc-rich foods: grass fed beef and almonds

Your prenatal vitamins contain zinc.

Calcium is key for baby’s bone, muscle, and nerve development. This is also especially critical for YOU because if you are not getting more than enough calcium, your baby will pull calcium from your bones, which isn’t going to do you any favors down the road!

Calcium-rich foods: Salmon, leafy greens like spinach and kale, almonds, and Greek yogurt.

Vitamin D
Because calcium is SO important…that means so is vitamin D. Vitamin D helps your body actually absorb the calcium effectively.

Vitamin D rich foods: Salmon, tuna, mackeral, eggs

Even though your prenatal vitamin has vitamin D, we recommend taking additional vitamin D during pregnancy. That cod liver oil supplement mentioned above will cover this!

Magnesium is great for YOU because it calms the nervous system and regulates the release of seratonin (AKA – the “happy hormone”).

Magnesium-rich foods: Leafy greens! Throw a handful of spinach into your morning smoothie for a boost.

There is a product called Natural Calm that is full of magnesium that is great to help you relax. Magnesium is a water-soluble vitamin, so even though it’s in your prenatal vitamin, it’s totally ok to take extra!

Yep, good old fashioned H2O! In the second half of pregnancy, your blood volume will increase by 50% (and baby creates their own blood supply!). To support this, make sure you are carrying a water bottle everywhere! This will also majorly help with your energy levels.

You can also add fruit, cucumber, or mint to your water, or try a sparkling water like La Croix.

A lot of the reason you’re tired when you’re in your second trimester is because as your blood volume increases, your iron does not.

Iron-rich foods: Beef, liver, dark green leafy veggies, and nuts and seeds.

Your prenatal vitamin should also contain iron.

Probiotics are essential not only for digestive health, but for a healthy immune system for both you and baby. Also, during a vaginal delivery, baby gets its first dose of bacteria from mom and this comes from healthy strains like those found in probiotics.

Having a healthy gut during pregnancy will improve your child’s gut health later in life.

Probiotic-rich foods: Fermented vegetables, kimchi, kefir, kombucha, and Greek yogurt

we highly recommend finding a good probiotic AND taking twice the dose. This is where you really are “eating for 2”…or supplementing for 2!


If you look online, or if you talk to your doctor, the number of calories required during pregnancy is all over the board.

First trimester: your caloric intake will probably remain about the same
Second trimester: you’ll need about 200-400 more calories/day
Third trimester: you’ll need about 400-600 more calories/day

Here is what’s important:

Eat nutrients dense foods, and don’t skimp on the healthy fats!

Salmon, avocado, whole grains, VEGGIES, berries, eggs, chicken, beef, pork, healthy oils like olive, avocado, and coconut, nuts, seeds, lentils, beans – these foods should all be on your grocery list every week.

Fill your body with nutritious foods for a healthy baby AND a healthy you, and you will not have a problem with gaining “too much weight”. This is a time where it’s far more important to be paying attention to quality over quantity!

Now that you know what, and how to eat, be sure to use that fuel to stay active with one of our awesome, low-impact classes today!!