A Week in the Life of Owning a Total Row Fitness Franchise

Total Row Fitness Class

A Week in the Life of Owning a Total Row Fitness Franchise

by | Jun 20, 2019

A Week in the Life of Owning a Total Row Fitness Franchise

Curious about changing careers or making an investment in a fitness franchise? Total Row shares what you can expect from a typical week as an owner-operator of a Total Row Franchise.

So, you have been trying to think of ways of how to work for yourself and be your own boss. You love fitness and it is clear to you that boutique fitness studios that provide specialized workouts are a great and growing market. In theory, investing in a Fitness Franchise is a perfect solution, but you aren’t sure exactly what this would look like day to day.

You have come to the right place!

PSA: In case you missed it, Total Row is now open for franchising! We are the best value fitness franchise you are going to find in the rowing fitness industry, and the best fitness franchise in Atlanta! Rowing has been making its way into prominence in the fitness scene, and for good reason! It is the perfect exercise, working 9 out of 11 muscle groups with every stroke, burning up to 900 calories an hour, all without the dangerous impact of running or heavy lifting. The market for a rowing-centric fitness franchise is huge, and almost entirely untapped!


Keep reading below to learn about a week of owning a franchise in the fitness industry.

What is My Role as a Total Row Owner?

Since our announcement that we are offering the best new fitness franchise, we have received tons of questions from prospective franchisees who are curious about what their role would be. To this question, we usually respond with another question: As “Well, what do you want it to be?”

As a franchisee with Total Row, you will have 3 options for your role as owner:

(1) Absentee owner or pure investor model

(2)  Owner-Operator model

(3) Mixed Model (a combination of 1 and 2)

Each model has positives and negatives. We won’t be going into the details of each today (give us a call and we can explain as much as you want!), and will just be focusing on a week as an owner-operator of a Total Row Franchise. 


A Week as an Owner Operator of a Total Row Franchise.

 Here is an inside look at a typical week of a franchise owner in a Total Row Franchise owner-operated model. While not every aspect of a day is included (and of course things change week-to-week), this outline should provide a basic template of what to expect in a generic scenario.



10:00 – Arrive at the studio to make sure everything is in order after the morning classes. Respond to emails from over the weekend and follow up with everyone who took a first class over the weekend. Send out a few emails to some community partners about upcoming events for collaboration. Post on social media.

11:15 – Coach a personal training session. These have become much more popular lately owing to our specific expertise in rowing-centric workouts.

12:00 – Coach the lunch class.

1:30 – Grab lunch at a partner smoothie restaurant, and chat with the manager about tabling at their location later in the week. You find out that both of you have kids at the same daycare and the conversation goes down that path. Agree to follow up in a week to finalize marketing details. 

3:00 – 4:00 – Run some errands a and drop off fliers at Stabucks as you grab an afternoon coffee!

5:00 – 8:00 – Coach the evening classes. Catch up with some of your favorite members you haven’t seen in a while. Remind yourself to bring drinks and snacks as a surprise next Monday.



Morning – Monday was pretty busy, so sleep in and rest up. Eat breakfast with the family and run some personal errands. Check social media accounts and plan out some content for the week. 

12:00 – Coach the lunch class.

1:00 – 2:00 – Table out front of your studio as you answer emails from members, follow up with new prospects, post on social media. This is a nice way to be outside, unwind after a class, and catch up on work.

3:00 – 5:00 – Service 3-4 rowers, do some maintenance within the studio, clean and prep for the night classes. 

5:00 – 8:00 – Coach the night classes.



5:00 – 7:00 – Coach the morning classes. You are up early, but will not go as late tonight. Members are excited to see you up early, and give you a hard time before class.

7:00 – 9:30 – Send out your monthly newsletter to your members. Post on social media and respond to emails. Order some supplies for the studio and a few new shirts to hand out as challenge prizes. Prep the studio for the day’s classes.

9:30 – 10:30 – Meet with your Assistant Manager to plan out the logistics of the next challenge and discuss hiring a new coach to start offering Row+Flow classes at your studio. You realize this is a good opportunity to network with some local yoga studios, and ask your Assistant Manager to set that up.

10:30 – 11:30 – Table out front of your studio to meet new prospects having lunch next door.

11:30 – Meet with a new member for a new member orientation. They are a little nervous at first, but after walking them through the form 1-1 and answering their questions, they are much more excited and confident!

12:00 – Coach the lunch class.

 1:00 – It’s the middle of the week, and you need a little refresh. Head to the park next door for a walk, and then surprise your kids at daycare. Having the flexibility to do this is one of your favorite parts of the “job”.

5:30 – Attend the group run from a local brewery to meet people and hand out discount cards after the run. You bring your family along, and you eat dinner there with your Total Row Crew and family. 



Morning – Another slow morning with the family at home. Once they are packed and off, you focus on social media for a couple of hours. You have some new promotions that you want to test, and are excited to see the results.  

11:00 – 1:00 – Attend a health fair at a local business park to meet new people and have them test out the rower. This actually goes better than you expected, and you make a mental note for the future.

1:00 – 2:00 – Grab lunch at the new salad place one shopping center over and discuss with the manager how to collaborate. Turns out she is a runner that was recently hurt and is looking for a new workout – BINGO!

2:00 – 3:30 – Respond to emails and follow up with the local elementary school about sponsoring their teacher appreciation week. Set up a charity class with a member who is raising money for the local humane society. Enter the tracker cards from the week so far. Post on social media.

3:30 – 4:00 – Phone call with your Franchise Representative. They helped you develop the promotions you ran this morning, and are also eager to see the results. 

4:00 – 5:00 – Prep the studio for evening classes.

 5:00 – 7:00 – Coach evening classes.



Morning – Breakfast with the family while you check on promotion results. The Facebook ad is doing very well, and you start pulling down the information of interesting leads. Make a quick spreadsheet to track the results, and send out some welcome emails.

10:00 – 11:30 – Table at the partner smoothie shop.

 12:00 – Coach the lunch class.

2:00 – 3:00 – Respond to emails and follow up with new prospects. Post on social media and schedule weekend social media posts. Enter the remaining tracker cards and email reports to members. Confirm next week’s partner event.

3:00 – 3:30 – Phone Call with your marketing company. Your Total Row rep joins you on the call and brings up the idea of doing a joint marketing effort

3:30 – 4:00 – Phone call with a new brand looking to partner with you.

4:00 – 5:00 – Make sure studio is set up and stocked for the weekend.

5:00 – 6:00 – Coach afternoon class.

 6:30 – Make a quick exit to meet friends for Happy Hour and dinner next door!



8:00 – 11:00 – Coach the morning classes.

12:00 – Crew member brunch to kick off new challenge!



Respond to emails and social posts at your leisure and enjoy the day!


Final Thoughts on Owning a Total Row Fitness Franchise

One of the incredible things about owning a fitness franchise is that each day is different! You get to pick your schedule and decide where you want to focus your energy each day to build your business. It is doubly rewarding because not only does all your hard work benefit you and your family directly, you are doing work to help others live healthier and happier lives!

If this sounds exciting to you, or if you have more questions about how a Total Row Franchise could fit in with your life and your goals, be sure to reach out to us here, and we can tell you more!